2013년 5월 16일 목요일

Q4 Daily Class Work 21

We went over the PowerPoint on Diocletian and Constantine

Notes on the PowerPoint

peasants can avoid paying taxes, but they are getting hit just as hard by the landlords.

The Western Empire crumbles

Rome's power is decreasing, while nomadic barbarians gain power

Western Empire is too poor, begins to be neglected

Huns migrate from China to eastern Europe

Visigoths take over Spain, and actually capture and loot Rome itself in 410

Vandals control Carthage and the western Mediterranean other barbarian tribes:

Ostrogoth in Italy : The Western Roman Empire was the western half of the Roman Empire, the other half being the Eastern Roman Empire or Byzantine Empire. Administrative division of the sprawling Empire into a Western and Eastern half with co-emperors for each began under Diocletian in 285 and was periodically abolished and recreated for the next two centuries until final abolishment by the Byzantine emperor Zeno in 480. By that time there was little effective control left in the Western Empire.

Franks in Gaul :   

Angles and Saxons in Britain


End of Era

From beginnings

500 BC- the Monarchy is abolished
450 BC- the twelve Tables are established

through the glory days....

44BC- end of the line for Julius Ceaser
27BC- 180 AD- the Roman Peace (Pax Romania)

to the bitter end....

Constant fifth century invasions by barbarian tribes left the western Roman Empire shattered and crumbling

the last emperor was a teenage boy installed in 475 by his father

barbarians deposed Romulus Augustulus without bothering to kill him.

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