2013년 5월 9일 목요일

Q4 Daily Class Work 17

In class, we got our tests back to go over. we then went over a power point

Diocletian persecuted the christian
The questions

1. How did Diocletian persecute Christians?

Diocletian's had created the "Edict against the Christians.” It basically said to destruct all of Christian scriptures and places of worship across the Empire. Also, Christians weren’t allowed to attend any sort of worship gathering. Diocletian later created two more edicts. The first one ordered that any Christians in Nicomedia will be tortured and would be killed as punishment for arson. The second one said that the bishops and teachers of the churches throughout the empire should be taken prisoner and forced by torture to sacrifice to the Roman gods. In 304, a fourth edict made. It stated that all Christians had to offer sacrifices to the gods or else they’d be tortured. About 3,000-3,500 Christians were killed during this period of time.

2. What happened with Constantine and Christians?

Constantine signed an edict allowing his people to practice whatever religion they like. He also donated money to the construction of churches.

3. What is the other thing that Constantine did that has to do with reconstructing the Roman Empire?

He won the battle of Milvian Bridge, issued the edict of Milan, and legalized the Christian’s worship.

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