2013년 5월 30일 목요일

Q4 Daily Class Work 27

We checked our test grades and we went through them.
My test score was good enough, but unfortunately my final grade was only 89.... but I still have final exam, the essay and class participation grade.  

After checking our tests, we went over the works for the final exam.

Q4 Daily Class Work 26

Test on Feudalism was held

2013년 5월 24일 금요일

Q4 Daily Class Work 25

We reviewed our time and exam preparation

Pg. 191

If I wanted to ace the Feudalism test,
I would look up the following terms in Chapter 11 in the textbook:

Feudalism - governmental system and the relationship and social between landowners and warriors
feudal compact- the official deal/contract between the vassal and the lord
fief- piece of land given to a knight
vassal- a knight that becomes a servantish worker person for a lord, but is still highly respected
knight – warrior at the time
homage - kneeling down and taking the lord's hand in his while speaking an oath of loyalty. Promising his loyalty
serf –Lowest on the social hierarchy. The quality of their life was not much better than a slave. They were the lowest of the peasants.
baron- lords of large territories who usually paid homage to the king. Barons army could outnumber that of a king. higher than a lord. 
peasantry- common people
estates- there were three different estates: the clergy-they were the ones who prayed; the nobility-fight and the common people- worked
manor- large plantations known the peasantry farmed on. They which were owned by a lord or lady, the nobility, or a member of the clergy
three-field-system- three sets of crops but only grew two at a time 
internal colonization
guild – groups of people who did different things
master- person in charge of you                                               
apprentice – someone learning the ropes
water mill
and yes, iron plow – a tool they used in the middle ages for plowing the land

2013년 5월 23일 목요일

Q4 Daily Class Work 24

We went over a new topic about Feudalism.

  • Feudalism- governmental system and the relationships between landowners and warriors
  • Warriors, or knights, would pledge his allegiance o the lord, who would in turn give that knight land
  • The lord would grant a fief (property) to the knight who would then become the lords vassal /servant 
  • Fief is a part old the land given to a knight
  • Then you became a lords vassal (servantish)
  • A vassal must fight for the lord when he needs a it and attend his curt once a month
  • Homage and knighthood\a vassal had to pay homage to his lord which meant kneeling down and taking the lord's hand in his while speaking an oath of loyalty
  • When a knight died his fief would be given to his son
  • Some clergy priests were known to fight as knights
  • Barons were lords of large territories who usually paid homage to the king
  • A barons army could outnumber that of a king
  • Peasants and lords
  • The manorial estate
  • Medieval society was divided into three "estates": the clergy the nobility and the common people
  • Usually the peasantry farmed on large plantations known as "manors" which were owned by a lord or lady the nobility or a member of the clergy
  • They didn't really know how bad they had it because they didn't really interact with other classes of people
  • People of the manor
  • The lord oversaw major agricultural issues buy delegated everyday overseeing to this stewards or bailiffs
  • MOST peasants were serfs
  • They were bound to their lords for labor services behind the plow
  • Growth o trade
  • The agricultural boom after 1000 years allowed for the establishment of many town across Europe
  • Farm produce and animal were sold in towns and people with the wealth bought their luxury items there
  • The location and appearance of towns
  • Most medieval towns were surrounded by fortified walls
  • Residences also sprang up outside the walls in the suburbs
  • Towns  were dominated by a main church and a central marketplace buildings for the craft guilds and the  center of the town
  • Buildings for the craft builds and the wealthiest families would also be center of town
  • Life of the townspeople
  • Thought the townspeople were free unlike serfs they still had a hierarchy merchants at the top then skilled crafts man and artisan then unskilled laborers apprentices
  •  the guilds were their unions
  • merchants, crafts man and artisans formed their own groups called guilds which regulated their trade protected its members
  •  craftsmen were classified as masters, journeyman and apprentices
  • One became a master after spending years learning as an apprentice working as a paid journeyman for a number of years, and completing his "masterpiece"
  • Guilds participated in religious feasts and festivals social organizations and usually provided well for charities

Manors, Towns, and kingdoms. 1000-1300   chapter 11

The Feudalism

The feudal compact


Warriors knights

the loard     fief

The vassel

Homage and knighthood

a vassal was required to pay homage to his lord

Men were apprenticed to older knights

The Feudalism of the church

Feudal States

Barons were loards of large territory who usally paid homage

Peasants and loard

Medieval society was divided into three "estates": he clergy, the nobility and the common people.

2013년 5월 22일 수요일

Q4 Daily Class Work 23

Mr. Shick gave our test's and quiz's back to us to review them. Our class average was extremely low, although I got a hundred on the test. we will have next and final test on friday. I shall prepare for that.

2013년 5월 17일 금요일

NOTES on After Rome 500 - 700

Germanic Kingdoms of Western Europe
The Germanic Barbarians
  • Barbarian warlords and their families who assimilated into Roman culture became the “nobles” or aristocrats of medieval Europe

  • Germanic tribes who ruled former Roman lands sought to conquer and assimilate other barbarian peoples who lived beyond the frontiers and were still pagans
More on Germanic Kingdoms
  • The Angles and the Saxons (from Denmark and northwestern Germany) invaded Britain and assimilated the native Britons

  • Most of the Anglo-Saxons were converted to Christianity in the seventh century

  • The most powerful Germanic tribe was the Franks

  • but the real power lay with the “mayors of the palace” who were royal officials and nobles themselves
Mean while, back in the Eastern Empire.
From “Eastern Empire” to “Byzantium”

  • The Eastern Roman Empire continued on while the west was now divided up by the barbarian tribes

  • When the emperor Justinian came to power in 527, he decided to reunite the entire Roman Empire by re-conquering the western territories

  • Justinian succeeded for a time, but the land he re-took was soon conquered by new barbarian tribes and a massive plague depopulated much of the west
It's a Christian Empire now
  • Greek Byzantine emperors saw themselves as Roman emperors and the heads of the Christian Church

  • Byzantines preserved Greco-Roman art, architecture, philosophy and writing despite much of it being non-Christian

  • Justinian built the massive domed Hagia Sophia ("Holy Wisdom") in Constantinople, considered to be the most glorious church on earth at the time

Q4 Daily Class Work 22

In class, we quickly went over material that we've learnt last class. Then we took a pop quiz. After all, we took notes on the powerpoint. 

2013년 5월 16일 목요일

Q4 Daily Class Work 21

We went over the PowerPoint on Diocletian and Constantine

Notes on the PowerPoint

peasants can avoid paying taxes, but they are getting hit just as hard by the landlords.

The Western Empire crumbles

Rome's power is decreasing, while nomadic barbarians gain power

Western Empire is too poor, begins to be neglected

Huns migrate from China to eastern Europe

Visigoths take over Spain, and actually capture and loot Rome itself in 410

Vandals control Carthage and the western Mediterranean other barbarian tribes:

Ostrogoth in Italy : The Western Roman Empire was the western half of the Roman Empire, the other half being the Eastern Roman Empire or Byzantine Empire. Administrative division of the sprawling Empire into a Western and Eastern half with co-emperors for each began under Diocletian in 285 and was periodically abolished and recreated for the next two centuries until final abolishment by the Byzantine emperor Zeno in 480. By that time there was little effective control left in the Western Empire.

Franks in Gaul :   

Angles and Saxons in Britain


End of Era

From beginnings

500 BC- the Monarchy is abolished
450 BC- the twelve Tables are established

through the glory days....

44BC- end of the line for Julius Ceaser
27BC- 180 AD- the Roman Peace (Pax Romania)

to the bitter end....

Constant fifth century invasions by barbarian tribes left the western Roman Empire shattered and crumbling

the last emperor was a teenage boy installed in 475 by his father

barbarians deposed Romulus Augustulus without bothering to kill him.

2013년 5월 13일 월요일

Q4 Daily Class Work 19

Mr. Shick announed to the class that we have a test this wednesday and friday of next week
half of the class we wrote  questions for the prep test
Telling sample question to mr shick for the rest of the class


Pax Romania

Who was usavious: he was historian

Pax romania was 27bc 20 ad less then 200 years


-set up itics
you can destroy their churches bllblbbla    kill all the priests
sacrifice to the jupitor

what is the big turning point

itic in mulan
any religion is ok you cannot persecute them what ever they believed in

let any one

how many new government did dioclesion allowed

constancy or dicleasion blalbal

huge turning point

2013년 5월 10일 금요일

Q4 Daily Class Work 18

During class, Mr. Schick let some students to go up front and teach the class about Diocletian and Constantine. Then, Mr. Schick gave us an example of Diocletian's cruelty. 

2013년 5월 9일 목요일

Q4 Daily Class Work 17

In class, we got our tests back to go over. we then went over a power point

Diocletian persecuted the christian
The questions

1. How did Diocletian persecute Christians?

Diocletian's had created the "Edict against the Christians.” It basically said to destruct all of Christian scriptures and places of worship across the Empire. Also, Christians weren’t allowed to attend any sort of worship gathering. Diocletian later created two more edicts. The first one ordered that any Christians in Nicomedia will be tortured and would be killed as punishment for arson. The second one said that the bishops and teachers of the churches throughout the empire should be taken prisoner and forced by torture to sacrifice to the Roman gods. In 304, a fourth edict made. It stated that all Christians had to offer sacrifices to the gods or else they’d be tortured. About 3,000-3,500 Christians were killed during this period of time.

2. What happened with Constantine and Christians?

Constantine signed an edict allowing his people to practice whatever religion they like. He also donated money to the construction of churches.

3. What is the other thing that Constantine did that has to do with reconstructing the Roman Empire?

He won the battle of Milvian Bridge, issued the edict of Milan, and legalized the Christian’s worship.

2013년 5월 8일 수요일

2013년 5월 6일 월요일

Q4 Daily Class Work 15

10 minutes of  review and We took a 100-point test - on Tiberius Gracchus, Julius Caesar, Caesar Augustus, and the Pax Romana

2013년 5월 4일 토요일

Q4 Daily Class Work 14

In class today, We worked on our projects that Mr. Shick assigned us that is due on monday beginning of class. We were to work  in pairs and I worked with Taylor. We started off with the google doc to do our project.

2013년 5월 2일 목요일

Q4 Daily Class Work 13

We watched the rest of the movie and Mr. Shick pulled a new powerpoint presentation on the brief information of the movie notes.

2013년 5월 1일 수요일

Q4 Daily Class Work 12

We continued to watch the Rome movie. The film showed the main character's ability of political power of wanting to free the common people from starvation and homeless  

2013년 4월 29일 월요일

Q4 Daily Clas Work 11

We watched a moie on Youtube that was about Rome. The movie was focused on inequalities between the rich and the poor.

2013년 4월 26일 금요일

Q4 Daily Class Work 10

Mr. shick was angry about his classes that the class average was extremely low. Although I've assumed that alot of students didn't do well by observing some students concentration in class time missing iportant details that Mr. Shick lectured to class. I think, Mr. Shick could have more dicipline to the students so that some of students in class can do better and get our averages up. He than explained us test answers.

2013년 4월 24일 수요일

Q4 Daily Class Work 8

In class, Mr shick read us the lrics again with explanation to prepare us for test tomato

2013년 4월 22일 월요일

2013년 4월 18일 목요일

Q4 Daily Class Work 6

Today in class Mr Schick announced that because of so many problems with "movie making" we will no longer be graded on our "Rome" movie and it will only be extra credit.

2013년 4월 15일 월요일

Q4 Daily Class Work 5

Mr. Shick was back in class again. We were assigned to work with partners to creat a movie including a rap that Mr Shick has created to portray image about the content so that we can understand the content better and prepared for the test soon or later.

2013년 4월 12일 금요일

Q4 HW 2

In class, we quietly written notes on LO2
Mr. Shick was away and a sub was here.

LO2 Notes:

Allies and Colonies
  • Created a network of settlers from Rome
  • allies provided infantry and cavalry Romans lacked
  • Roman colonists shared the same citizenship with people who lived in Rome
  • Social Wars

The Punic Wars

  • 250 B.C. - Roman methods of conquest and administration paid handsome dividends , all of Italy south of the River Po was in Romans hands
    • this success brought Rome into collision with a rival-state beyond the sea
  • 700 B.C. - Phoenician colonists was founded
  • The Punic Wars were waged on land and sea in 3 vicious rounds between 264 and 146 B.C.
  • At the end of the Second Punic War in 202 B.C., Carthage was disarmed and helpless.
  • Eventually, fearing a Carthaginian revival, Rome provoked a third war, and in 146 B.C., Carthage was captured after bitter fighting. In a final act of vengeance, the Senate ordered the city

Conquering the Empire

  • The former possessions of Carthage in Sicily, Spain, and Africa became the first Roman provinces
  • after 27 B.C., that the provinces began to share in the benefits of Roman order.
  • some local rulers survived by becoming client kings, bound to Rome by ties of allegiance and support like those between Roman patrons and clients
  • in the first century A.D. their kingdoms were mostly absorbed into the empire as normal provinces
  • Rome's first involvement was in Greece, and it grew out of a special invitation
  • Around 200 B.C., ambassadors from various Greek city-states appealed to Rome for aid in resisting the king of Macedonia, who had been allied with Carthage

Q4 Dailly Class Work 4

Mr. Shick's words......

On Friday, Section 01 will do the Pixton assignment described above. Section 02 and 03 will work independently taking notes on LO-2 in their text, putting the notes in their blog. Section 01 may have begun this work Thursday night; in any case, all sections must have the LO-2 notes, AND the link to their Pixton comic, posted to their blog by midnight Saturday night, so I can view it Sunday morning.

2013년 4월 11일 목요일

Q4 Daily Class Work 3

Today in Western Civ class we had a sub, Mrs. Magner. Mr. Shick had to take his daughter to college. While he was gone, we paired up into two groups to make the comic. In this comic, we told the story of Romulus and Remus and how they came to be and create the origin of Rome. I partnered up with Gavin. We did it on Gavin's computer because unlike google drive we could not share them on our own computers and in the end we made a quite an adequate comic that was related to Romulus and Remus. Although I didn't get the link from gavins computer because we forgot to do that.

2013년 4월 10일 수요일

Q4 Dailly Class Work 2

Mr. Shick came in class with unusual appearences. He rapped related to our current learnigs. Than we went over the test that we took last clss


Well, you got the Etruscans and the Greeks

But the Latins came first

To the shores of the River Tiber

They drained a swamp (They drained a swamp)

Next thing you know

Livin’ in Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome

Now Tarquin’s kinda proud

But he got a little loud (little loud)

They turned around and ran that tyrant outta town (hey!)

Next thing you know (next thing you know)

No kings no more

Happened in Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome


Hey, we got three governments rolled into one

Patricians and plebeians havin’ some fun

Two consuls gotta be better than one

Brand new republic ready to run



Plus monarchy

Not a tyranny

Ho-o-o-old up wait a minute, do I see what I think I… hey!

That’s a Roman legion clear as day

5000 soldiers not in it for pay

Group of eighty’s a century

On horseback is the cavalry

Shield, sword, dagger, and armor and tunic

Fightin ’gainst Carthage in wars that are Punic

Hannibal riding on elephant back

Crossing the Alps just to launch his attack

So now you get the picture (picture)

All the rich are getting richer (richer)

And they’re livin’ on the latifundia

Farmers can’t cope (They just can’t cope)

They’re low on hope

They moved to Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome

I can hear the brothers Gracchus

Sayin, “Rich, please don’t attack us” (don’t attack us)

“We got a feeling that the senators will whack us” (hey!)

They hit the floor (they hit the floor)

Next thing you know

It’s civil war, war, war, war, war, war, war, war

Hey, let me take you back to 60 BC

It’s the start of the rise of Julius C

He grabbed two dudes and he formed a team

It’s a triumvirate -- that’s a group of three

“Crassus (come on), Pompey (come on), I’m JC! (come on)

We three will rule!

What you think I'm playin, baby girl?  I'm the man!

I'm conquering Gaul!”

All of his soldiers gave him their devotion

That’s why he swept over Gaul just like an ocean

Pompey couldn’t understand all the commotion

When he crossed the Rubicon, he kept up motion

It’s just like a potion

Caesar had self-locomotion

Power’s an ambitious emotion

Dictator is not a demotion

It’s promotion

But in 44 BC (BC)

On a day called March 15 (Ides of March)

Brutus and the Senate murdered Julius C

He hit the floor (he hit the floor)

Next thing you know

Caesar’s no more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more

You know he’s so depressed

23 stab wounds in his chest (in his chest)

He saw his friend and he raised one last protest (hey!)

Et tu, Brute?” (Et tu, Brute?)

That’s what he say

Cuz he felt low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low


Only eighteen, Octavian makin’ the scene

He says, “I tell you what,

Got a new triumvirate

Here’s my boy Lepidus

And Mark Antony I trust”

(‘Til Marky met this chick

Cleopatra from Egypt)

Octavian was freakin’

Lust for power started peakin’

“Don’t try to play me or my navy,

At Actium you won’t slay me”

“O” won that game

Did explain

Now Augustus was his name

All his subjects did proclaim

He’s in the Roman Hall of Fame

Twenty-seven BC (BC)

For a couple hundred years (207)

Pax Romana is the word that brings the cheers (Yay!)

They’re on a roll (they’re on a roll)

They built some roads

Leading to Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome

Slaves don’t have many rights and

Then there’s gladiator fightin’ (OW!)

People find the Circus Maximus excitin’ (hey!)

Blood on the floor (knee-deep in gore)

And now you know

All about Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome
