2013년 3월 27일 수요일

Daily Class Work (Last Class Before Easter Break)

In class today, we went over power points on Alexander the Great and about india. After going over the power points, we watched the movie Alexander the Great for the rest of the class.

Notes on Alexander the Great

King Phillip 2

  • Born at pelia of Macedon
  • youngest son of King Amyntas 2
  • held hostage @ Thesbe- learned military skills & deplomatic info
  • King of Macedon 359 BC- 336 BC
  • assinated @ a wedding


  • originally a princess
  • arranged marriage with King Phillip 2
  • gave birth to Alexander
  • divorced Phillip
  • ordered Eurydice to kill Phillip 3 (king Phillip 2 son) to ensure Alexander got the throne
  • claimed Zeus was Alexander's father
Alexander's Birth

  • born in Pella region of Macedonia on September 20, 350 BC
  • didn't see his father much as a child because King Phillip was with the military and affairs
  • resented his father bc he was gone so much
  • Olympia was a powerful role model

  • 344 BC- dealer from Tessalia offered a large, black horse to King Phillip
  • Horse seemed unable to be tamed- King Phillip didn't want it
  • Alexander wanted the horse and tried to tame it- he realised the horse was afraid of its shadow and tamed it
  • King Phillip said about his ability "O my son, look thee out a kingdom equal and worthy of thyself, for Macedonia is too little for thee"

  • tutored by Leonidas- taught Math, Horsemanship, & Archery
  • Alex was a rebellious student with relentless attention
  • tutored by Lysimachus- used role play to teach
  • 343 BC- tutored by Aristotle @ Temple of the Nymphs at Meiza (13 years old)- taught Philosophy, Drama, Science, Poetry, and Politics
  • education ended at Meiza in 340 BC
Phillip's Assination

  • Oct 336 BC in Aegea
  • killed by his body guard- Pausanias of Oretis
  • Reason unknown- possibilities include: Persians payed him off or Pausanias had relations with him then Phillip cheated on Pausania
  • Alex had Pausania's body crucified
Family Relationship

  • tension
  • Alexander's step mom (Cleopatra)'s uncle told Alex he wasn't worthy of the throne
Alexander takes Power

  • people doubted him because he was young
  • people who doubted him were killed
Military Career

  • fought vs Persians bc he thought they might have been involved in his father's assassination
  • 334 BC: fought NW Asia Minor (Battle of the Granicus River)
  • 334 BC- siege of Halicarnassus
  • conquered Egypt @ Gaza
  • Egyptains called Alexander a Pharaoh
Invasion of Egypt

  • 327 BC- Punjab
  • Indians fought with elephants
  • Bucephalus died- named a city after him
  • won & captured Porus
Revolt of Alex's Army

  • revolted bc India had elephants & soldiers wanted to see their family
  • Alex allowed them to return
  • took Hydaspes & Indus river's home- fought Malion on their way
  • many died on the journey home bc of the Gerdosian desert

  • June 10/11 323 BC- 32 years old @ palace of Nebuchadnezzar 2 in Babylon
  • reasons a mystery, possibilities: poison (by Aristotle or his son, Iollas), malaria, alcohol poisoning
  • people refused to believe he died
His Power/Rule

  • empire was the largest of its time
  • remained under Macondian rule for 200-300 years after Alex's death
  • Alex encouraged people (Macedonian men) to marry Persian woman to maintain peace
  • tried to combine Greek and Persian cultures
  • the passing of the ring symbolized the passing of power


  • King Phillip II
    • Birth Place: Pella of Macedon
    • Held hostage in Thebes
      • While held hostage he learned military and diplomatic education
  • Olympias
    • Princess, married to King Phillip II
      • He changed her name from Myrtale
      • Gave birth to Alexander
    • King Phillip II had another wife
      • Olympias ordered the death of the other wife and the son to ensure Alexander would get the throne
Early Years

  • Born in the Pella region of Macedonia
  • Rarely saw his father since he had military campaign and multiple wives
  • Bucephalus
    • Alexander's father didn't want it
    • He tamed it
    • Many myths
    • Alexander took the horse to all his battles
    • Name means ox's head
  • Education
    • Tutored by Leonidas
      • Taught math, horsemanship, and archery
    • Rebellious student
    • new teacher: Aristotle
      • Taught drama, science, politics, and poetry
    • Education ended in Meiza
Rise to Power

  • Phillip II was assassinated
    • by Pausanias, his body guard
    • Reasons for murder:
      • Paid to kill
      • Pausanias might have been Phillip II's partner and Phillip cheated
    • Alexander had Pausanias crucified
  • Family's Relationship
    • Tension!
    • Uncle told Phillip II that Alexander wasn't suited for king; Alexander threw a cup at the Uncle and Phillip II tried to kill Alexander
  • Alexander's Power
    • Received power at the age of 20
    • Plots to overthrow Alexander
      • He had them executed
    • Restored power in areas that were rebelling
  • Military Career
    • Fight with Persia
      • Fought because they might have been in with the murder of King Phillip II
    • Battle of Granicus
      • 335 B.C crossed into Asia
      • 334 B.C fought
    • Battle of Granicus River
      • Alexander won the battle with good tactics
    • Siege of Halicarnassus
      • 334 B.C
      • Surrendered the fortress
      • Began to siege the city
    • Conquering Egypt
      • Alexander won the battle but was wounded
      • Men killed, women and children were sold into slavery
      • Egypt liked Alexander and named him the Pharaoh
        • Let them be just made them pay taxes
Alexander's Death

  • Died on June 10, 323 B.C or June 11 323 B.C
    • 32 when died
  • Theories of Death
    • Poisoned wine
    • Malaria
    • Alcohol Poisoning
  • Died in Nebuchadnezzar II, Babylon
  • Sarcophagus was taken to Alexander and replaced with glass so they couldn't make coins with it
  • His next plan was to conquer all of India and head back to Europe
Ruling Style
  • When he would enter a new territory
    • If they attacked he would kill the men and sell the women and children to slavery
  • Largest Empire of time
    • Stayed under rule for 200-300 years after death
    • Hellenization purpose: spread Greek language, culture and population
  • Many people didn't believe he died since it was so sudden
  • Alexander wanted to combine cultures
  • Alexander VI was born
  • Macedonia collapsed after 40 years

2013년 3월 18일 월요일

Daily Class Work 26

In Class, We had test on Chapter 4. I found it not so difficult except the part that I needed to manage my time a little better.


Our studies of the Hellenistic Era begin. How does Greece move on after the Peloponnesian War? What's the big deal with Macedonia? And what made Alexander so great, anyway?

These questions, and more, will be answered this chapter. Brace yourself.

on to Chapter 5...

After you finish the test, you should begin reading p. 78-82 in the text - Greater Greece: The Hellenistic Era, 400 - 30 BC.

In today's blog, do the following:

  • define Hellenistic
  • paste a map into your blog that includes Macedonia
  • in 150 - 300 words, describe why the Athenians lost the Peloponnesian War
  • describe what happened in 359 BC

chapter 4 study guide

Worksheet / Study Guide for



The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization

Want to do well on the next test?  Here’s where to start:  Know what’s on this sheet.  Post the answers on your blog.  Find the answers by checking your text, doing independent research, taking good notes while watching the video, or referring to the website that accompanies the video: http://www.pbs.org/empires/thegreeks .

IMPORTANT DATES:  In a sentence or two, describe what important or historical event took place on the following dates:
1600 – 1200 BC- The Mycenaean Civilization
1200’s BC- X
1150 – 750 BC- The Dark Ages
776 BC- First Olympic Games
750 – 700 BC- Homer composed the Iliad and the Odyssey
621 BC-When Draco set up his law system- very harsh
600 – 371 BC- X
594 BC- X
508 BC- The Athenian people revolted against their leaders, it was the first time in history that anyone has done this in the world. (Took power Isagoris, their king at the time)
490 - 471 BC- X
490 BC- Battle at Marathon
480 BC- When Xerxes decided he would get revenge for his father, King Darius. (But failed)
480 – 430 BC- X
461 – 429 BC- Age of Pericles
447 – 438 BC- Pericles built the Parthenon
431 – 404 BC- Peloponnesian War (Athens vs. Sparta) (Sparta won and Pericles and one third of Athens died of the plague)
399 BC- Trial of Socrates and Death of Socrates ( Was blamed for the loss of the war)
336 BC- X

MEN, WOMEN, GODS AND GODDESSES YOU SHOULD KNOW:  In one or two sentences, describe what is significant about the following people (or immortals):
Homer- Homer was a poet that traveled around Greece telling stories about the Trojan War like the Iliad and the Odyssey.
Odysseus-He was a legendary Greek king and a hero in one of Homer’s books as he tried to get home from the Trojan War.
Zeus- The main Greek God and God of Thunder and of the sky, and was also known as the “Father of the Gods”.
Athena- Athena was the goddess of wisdom, and the patron goddess of Athens.
Draco-He replaced Athens’ system of judgments and punishments of oral tradition and blood feuds for crimes to courts that were known for their harshness.

Solon- X

Pisistratus-A “good” tyrant, who seized power by claiming the woman who had been traveling with him, was Athena. He had also managed to give rights to lower class workers; not only that but he lowered their taxes and gave them loans.
Cleisthenes- He was yet another tyrant that seized power from Hippias, who was Pisistratus’ paranoid son. He also took back power after Isagoris was thrown out by the Athenian people and was tasked with making a new government called a Democratic Republic.
Darius (the Great)- He was the king of Persia and tried to invade and conquer Greece once before, but failed when the Athenians beat him at the battle of Marathon.
Xerxes- Xerxes was King Darius’ son and according to Greek history he built up an army of six million men to try to invade and conquer Greece once and for all. (Although his army was most likely made up of just hundreds of thousands of men, not millions.) He lost to the Athenians as well, when he sent his navy into Strait of Salamis and was ambushed by Athens’ superior army.
Pheidippides- The runner that declared that, “We have won the Battle of Marathon”, when he reached Athens from the Battle of Marathon.
Themistocles- He was elected by the people, built an excellent navy, beat the Persian army at sea, and was soon ostracized ironically.
Pericles- Pericles was a slightly arrogant king, in the way that he thought he could beat the Spartans by simply staying behind Athens’ walls. He would later die of the plague along with one third of the population.
Aristophanes-One of the great play writers; he mainly wrote comedies.
Socrates- Socrates was an ancient Greek scholar who made people question things, and lead them to their own answers to questions. He died of hemlock and was famous for the Socratic Method. He was accused of disrespecting the gods and corrupting the youth. Died in 399 B.C.
Plato-Plato helped to lay the foundation for modern philosophy. His mentor was Socrates and his student’s name was Aristotle; all these men would go down in Greek history for good things.
Alexander the Great- Alexander was a king and a “great” (you see what I did there) conqueror as he took control of places such as Macedonia, Egypt, Persia, and Asia. Most of this land was first controlled by King Darius III.

LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION:  Be able to locate the following on a map:
Athens                         Sparta                                      Peloponnesus                          Ionia
Ionian Sea                               Aegean Sea                             Persian Empire

GREEK POLITICAL STRUCTURES: Describe these political institutions:
Monarchy                    Democracy                  Oligarchy                    Aristocracy

PERICLES’ THREE GOALS FOR ATHENS: Name ‘em; describe ‘em.

GREEK ART: Identify and describe examples in these fields:
Sculpture                    Architecture                            Drama (tragedy and comedy)                 

2013년 3월 14일 목요일

Daily Class Work 25

Class work for today was to quietly teach ourselves on the chapter four. And get the notes down.

2013년 3월 13일 수요일

Daily Class Work 24

Movie was once again shown for us to take notes and to understand our material better 

2013년 3월 11일 월요일

Daily Class Work 23

Mr. Shick brought our Tests back! In class, we went over our tests to correct any wrong answers and to review them for later use. The average of the class was extremely low. I had made several mistakes on the multiple choice questions. Which dropped my grade into B range.

2013년 3월 8일 금요일

Daily Class Work 22

In Class today, Mr Shick was away at senior retreat. Mr. Goodrow was our sub teacher. we continued to watch the movie.

2013년 3월 7일 목요일

Daily Class Work 21

yesterday snow....  Today, class has started. Mr. Shick will not be in class tommorrow. so he assigned three students to be responsible at playing the video.

2013년 3월 4일 월요일

Daily Class Work 20

In class today it was a disastrous day. I forgot to bring my computer from my last religion class. I had to run back to class and get it back for Western Civ class. We continued to watch the movie