2013년 2월 28일 목요일

Daily Class Work 19

In Class today, we’ve watched a movie on Greece named (Crucial of Greeks). This was helpful for us to our "Study Guide for Chapter 4 (Greece 800-300 BC)" because we were able to refer the information back and forward making our minds fresher. Although, I was extremely tired in class by lack of sleep. It was just unfortunate... 

2013년 2월 27일 수요일

Daily Class Work 18

Mr Shick is back in class from his trip to DC.
We had to work on a Study Guide for Chapter 4 (Greece 800-300 BC)

Worksheet / Study Guide for
The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization

Want to do well on the next test? Here’s where to start: Know what’s on this sheet. Post the answers on your blog. Find the answers by checking your text, doing independent research, taking good notes while watching the video, or referring to the website that accompanies the video: http://www.pbs.org/empires/thegreeks .

IMPORTANT DATES: In a sentence or two, describe what important or historical event took place on the following dates:
1600 – 1100 BC
1200s BC
1150 – 750 BC
776 BC
750 – 700 BC
621 BC
600 – 371 BC
594 BC
508 BC
490 - 471 BC
490 BC
480 BC
480 – 430 BC
461 – 429 BC
447 – 432 BC
431 – 404 BC
399 BC
336 BC

MEN, WOMEN, GODS AND GODDESSES YOU SHOULD KNOW: In one or two sentences, describe what is significant about the following people (or immortals):
Darius (the Great)
Alexander the Great

LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION: Be able to locate the following on a map:
Athens Sparta Peloponnesus Ionia
Ionian Sea Aegean Sea Persian Empire

GREEK POLITICAL STRUCTURES: Describe these political institutions:
Monarchy Democracy Oligarchy Aristocracy

PERICLES’ THREE GOALS FOR ATHENS: Name ‘em; describe ‘em.

GREEK ART: Identify and describe examples in these fields:
Sculpture Architecture Drama (tragedy and comedy)

2013년 2월 22일 금요일

Daily Class Work 16

Today's class, we had a Greek style of a debate about Chinese students using their dictionaries on a test on monday when Mr. Shick's away to Washington. The Greek style of debate was finallized by allowing the Chinese students to use their dictionaries on the test date.

2013년 2월 21일 목요일

Daily Class Work 15

Today we countinued studying the chapter three outline (Greeks, 2200-400 BC), Mr shick told us shortly about the odyssey as well.

2013년 2월 20일 수요일

Daily Class Work 14

Today in class, Mr. Shick has explained  Chapter three outline to the students and we wrote notes.

2013년 2월 16일 토요일

Daily Class Work 12

In class, we have recieved our tests to review them.
We read each and one of questions to check the answers.

2013년 2월 14일 목요일

Daily Class Work 11

Todays class, Mr. Shick was back!  
In our assigned groups, we worked on our google power point notes on LO1 and LO2 with some pictures added on barbarians and megalithic structures.

2013년 2월 13일 수요일

Daily Class Work 10

In class today, Mr Shick wasn't here.. so we were assigned to make a google powerpoint on Lo1 and Lo2.

2013년 2월 11일 월요일

Daily Class Work 9

From the start of the class, we moved seats around again. My seat was far at the back. we then wrote notes from the powerpoint that was from the textbook, then we wrote notes again with Mr. Shick's powerpoint.
Within Classical  Greek Cizilization There appeared ideas, Art  forms, and types of government whose influence on western civilization has lasted down to the present day.

The Greeks began  as one of many European BARBAAN peoples- that is, they had a distinctive way of life, based on farming and warfare, that was widespread in western Europe.

  • 2000BC, began to migrate into Eurorope's southeastern  region, within easy reach of the people s of asia minor, Mesopotamia, and Egypt.
  • within classical civilization,there appeared ideas, art forms, and art forms, and types of government whose inluence on western civilization has lasted down to the present day.
  • Greek city sates were the first to practice citizen participationin government- on a resticted bases in obligarchies like sparta and on a much freer and wider basis in democracies like Athens. The city states also traded and colonized along the northeastern coastlands of the mediterranean sea and brought their distinctive civilization to many barbarian peoples of Mediterranean Europe above all, Italy.
Lo1 The European Barbarians

Over the thousand years up to the time of the persian empire, Civilization had spread from it's Sumerian and Egyption homelands right accross south western Asia and north eastern africa, and other regions of civilization had also arisen in India, china and western hemisphere.

although, most people still lived the prehistoric village life that had emerged from the agricultural revolution, including in the lands streatching two thousand miles northwestward from the estern Mediterranean sea that we today call Europ.

 The Earliest Europeans

2013년 2월 8일 금요일

Daily Class Work 7

In class, we had our very first test that we've so far covered. I found the level of the test over all, was easy when you revise what we have covered in class. We were allowed to use our blog notes while taking the test. However, I believe that I've failed this test because I didn't get to revise the material before the test. Plus, the time was little lacking. further, essay part was frustriating for me because I wrote really bad. The essay was not creative at all. I wish to retake it, but if not...I will have to work much harder on the next upcomming test.

2013년 2월 7일 목요일

Daily Class Work 6

Today, we went over the notes about egypt prezi for the test on friday. The short video by the same humorous person before explained about the egypt briefly what we have kearn't so far.     

2013년 2월 6일 수요일

Daily Class Work 5

In class, Mr. Shick quickly went over the materials to study for the test on friday.
We then were put into groups of two to play the pyramid building game for ten points for the first, 9 points for the secound, third for 8 points and rest of 7 points when completed.