2013년 1월 30일 수요일

Daily class work 4

In class, We had a pop quiz that was related to our notes on prehistory.
Wrote notes about Egypt.

2013년 1월 24일 목요일

Daily Class Work 3

In class, we have watched a video on the screen projector about notes that are related to our text book. The video was made with lot's of humor and sources that were focused on human benefits from the pre history and how the concept evolved. 

Daily Class Work 2

Today, we have received new seats and got explanation about the blog once again.
We then reviewed our note's from our last session on the powerpoint.

2013년 1월 23일 수요일

Was Jared Diamond on track with his theory of "geographic luck"?

        Overall, I believe that Jarred Diamond has made a highly possible theory of geographical luck because there are many proofs shown in the history that connects to his theory. From the PALEOLITHIC periods, people were into groups that traveled for the resources that they could find which is shown as evidence that Diamond's main point of lucky enough of having resource close to the civilization will reduce time for people to search for food for their survival. The reduced time that they gain will give them to have free time of comfort and to develop new technology.

LO-1 section in the text, found on p 6-11

LO1 Before Civilization: The Prehistoric Era

  • Humans did not as yet produce written doc
  • The main material of actual history, this lengthy time span is called Prehistoric era.
The Origins and "Ages" of human beings

  • Era ended when they produced perminent written records
  • Each societies arose different times in different regions  
  • Prehistory has no single ending date
  • Earliest human like species appeared East Africa
  • Evolved physically + Mentally
  • Tools have been created (stone)
  • The earliest(longest) period is called PALEOLITHIC (old stone age)
  • NEOLITHIC (new stone age) developed fromm old stone age (better tec)  after is bronze age
  • stone > metal > bronze > Iron
The Hunting and Gathering Way of Life

  • In Paleolithic Age, humans lived as wonderers (migratory)
  • Hunters, Fishers, Edible plants, shter in caves, huts and mor
  • lived in groups to protect themselves
  • men's job was make tools, hunting and violence for protecting
  • women's job was to gather the food, storing and cooking, children
The Agricultural Revolution

  • cultivation of plants, taming animals.....
  • Communities
Climate, Skills, and Technologies

  • South Western Asia first began
  • human use of agriculturing
  • other range of technologies to make products such as...
  • Bread, Beer, Wine, Cheese, Edible Oils, Woven cloth, Leather, Pottery for cooking and storage and bricks to build houses.
Villages and Families

  • Agriculture Vilages first appeared in South East Asia
  • Each house belongs to a family group of men women and children.
  • owned equipment and supplies plants and animals individually (per family)
  • Property and ownership evolved and settled making the difference with wealth, status and more

2013년 1월 19일 토요일

Class Work 2


Chapter 1

From prehistory to civilizatoin  3000-1200 BC

Humans Spread
  • Advanced Organization, Skills
  • Language
  • Religon
  • Art
  • Technology
  • Farming
  • Family Life
  • Village Communities

Country that developed first (3000BC)

  • Egypt
  • Mesopotamia
South Eastern Asia, North Eastern Africa developed

  • economy
  • Government
  • Writing (thoughts in words)
  • Religion
  • Science + Technology
  • Art

2013년 1월 18일 금요일

Daily Class Work 1

Today in class we setted up ourut the  blogs and got the explanations about th cource